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Home > Admissions > Part-Time Enrollment
Part-Time Enrollment
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Kolbe Academy accepts part-time enrollment for online, asynchronous, or homeschool courses including any homeschool course within our Kolbe curriculum. Please click here for more information on tuition for part-time enrollment. 


Part-Time Enrollment Includes

  • New family fee
  • Ability to upgrade to take an online course or asynchronous course.
  • 1 Homeschool course if not enrolling in an online or asynchronous course.
  • Homeschool course enrollments include syllabus, course plan, exams, and exam answer keys.
  • Academic Advisor Support for course enrollments
  • Recordkeeping and Official transcripts for each course enrollment
  • Inclusion in the Kolbe Family

Not Included with Part-Time Tuition

  • Books, including Study Guides
  • Standardized Testing
  • Diploma track
  • Online Homeroom
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