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Home > Technology > Schoology > Logging in to Your Schoology Student Account
Logging in to Your Schoology Student Account
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Schoology accounts are used by online and self-paced students to access course content. This article walks you through how to log in to the Schoology platform.


Logging in to Schoology

Students log in at the URL

Note:  Parents and primary educators log in using a different URL (

Schoology uses your MyKolbe account for authenticating. This means that if you are already logged into MyKolbe, you will be automatically logged into Schoology. If you are not logged in, you will be asked for your normal MyKolbe username and password.



Logging in for the First Time

If you have never logged into MyKolbe, you will have to go through that setup process before you will be allowed to access Schoology. See the article on MyKolbe accounts for details.



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