What to Expect
Students in grades 9-12 who are new to online courses will be required to complete placement testing before they are able to register for courses. The purpose of this placement testing is to understand the student's strengths and weaknesses and make course registration and support recommendations in order to best set the student up for success.
How to Access
When students are moved to Placement Testing status, parents will receive an email notification with instructions on how to access and complete placement testing. Placement Testing can be accessed through the Kolbe Portal.
Once the placement testing link is accessed, parents will indicate the courses for which the student will be registering. The required placement tests will populate based on those course choices. Download and print all placement tests. Parents will receive a follow-up email with a link to upload the completed tests.
How to Upload
Once placement tests are complete, they can be uploaded using the link sent in the follow-up email or through the access link in the Kolbe Portal. Parents should upload complete placement tests for all courses in which the student is planning to register. Once tests are uploaded, the submissions will be sent to course specific graders. Parents can expect to receive results of placement testing along with course and support recommendations within 2-3 business days of submission. Course Registration will be available in the Kolbe Portal once placement tests are submitted by the parent and graded by the assessor(s).
If you have any questions during the placement testing process, please contact your Family Advisor.