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LockDown Browser FAQ
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As with any software, privacy concerns and student data are of utmost concern to Kolbe Academy administrators. Below you'll find answers to some commonly asked questions about Respondus LockDown Browser.


What is LockDown Browser?

LockDown Browser is a custom browser software that is installed locally on a computer and that works with learning management systems such as Schoology to "lockdown" assessments. LockDown Browser gives teachers a way to administer online assessments while protecting their integrity by preventing students from searching the internet and accessing other applications while the student is completing these assessments.  When LockDown Browser is active during an assessment, several hundred methods of cheating are blocked, such as the use of Virtual Machines, remote desktops, screen sharing, instant messaging, screen recording, and artificial intelligence.


Why is Kolbe Academy trialing LockDown Browser?

There are two primary reasons Kolbe Academy is trialing a LockDown Browser.  The first is that current school policy requires parents to actively proctor their children's assessments and monitor their screens for the duration of the assessment.  This policy was developed when most Kolbe students took just one or two online courses at a time.  Currently, most Kolbe Academy students take numerous online courses and parents have reported that current proctoring requirements have become burdensome. 


The second reason is with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, cheating on assessments has become easy, effective, and difficult or impossible to detect or prove.  The temptation for students to cheat is unprecedented, particularly in an online learning environment.  We have observed that students are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to cheat (as opposed to "Googling" for answers) and we have observed this behavior among elementary, middle school, and high school students.  Our intention with adopting LockDown Browser is to remove the "near occasion of sin" for students when they are taking assessments and protect the integrity of both the assessments themselves and student learning and formation.


LockDown Browser is used by many K-12 schools and colleges to ensure academic integrity in remote testing, including several Catholic colleges on the Cardinal Newman Guide such as Franciscan University of Steubenville, Belmont Abbey College, and The Catholic University of America.


Is it required that I download LockDown Browser?

Yes.  Kolbe Academy is currently trialing LockDown Browser through April 15 with the goal of full implementation after that date.  The purpose of the trial is to provide Kolbe leadership with the ability to make informed decisions about permanent adoption, so it is imperative that our families help us trial the program.  If the decision is made to permanently adopt LockDown Browser, students will be required to use it on any assessment, such as closed book quizzes, tests, and exams.


Which version is Kolbe adopting?

Kolbe Academy is only adopting the Respondus LockDown Browser application.  Kolbe will not be adopting other Respondus applications that feature live video or audio monitoring or recording.


Does LockDown Browser monitor or record webcam video, audio, or the eye movements of students?

No.  Kolbe Academy will only be using the LockDown Browser and has no plans to adopt applications that are capable of monitoring or recording video, audio, or eye movements.


Will LockDown Browser gather private information about my student?

No.  LockDown Browser respects the privacy of students and provides the least invasive method of protecting assessment integrity.  Lockdown Browser does not require students to create a Respondus account.  No student data is accessed or collected by Respondus, except when (1) a student exits the browser during the middle of an assessment and needs to return later and (2) a student accesses the Respondus Help Center if he or she encounters a technical issue.  The information that is collected is not personally identifying information, but rather a username to enable the student to continue an assessment or to enable Respondus to identify the user who has requested technical assistance.  More details about LockDown browser's privacy policy can be found on their website


Does LockDown Browser comply with education regulations such as FERPA? 

Yes.  LockDown Browser does not access or collect any personal identifying information or student education records, including information that is protected by FERPA.  You can find a full explanation of their adherence to FERPA regulations on the Respondus website.  


Will parents still need to proctor assessments when LockDown Browser is used?

Yes, but not to the same extent.  With Lockdown Browser, parents should still ensure the student's testing environment is suitable for completing an assessment in a way that is compliant with Kolbe's Academic Honesty policy.  Students should not have access to other devices or materials the student is not allowed to use during the assessment, such as course texts.  Once the parent has ensured the testing environment is appropriate, he or she will not be expected to proctor the remainder of the assessment.  We expect the new proctoring policy will dramatically reduce the time and energy required of parents when students complete assessments.


Do I have to give my student administrator privileges in order to use LockDown Browser?

No.  LockDown Browser needs to run as an administrator so that it has the ability to turn off other programs, such as other web browsers and chat tools, and enforce Windows options that restrict the student's access to these programs during the assessment. There is no need to grant your student's profile admin privileges, but instead when a student begins an assessment the system will prompt for administrator credentials when LockDown Browser launches.  Once the administrator credentials have been entered, the student will be able to begin the assessment.


How much memory does it take and how does that compare to other common programs?

Memory Requirements

  • 2 GB of RAM

This is same as recommended by the Adobe Connect application on your computer


Disk Space Requirements

  • Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
  • Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive

This is less than half the amount it takes to install the Adobe Connect application on your computer (Adobe Connect takes about 300 MB of disk space)


What minimum operating systems are required to run LockDown browser and how does that compare to other common programs?

Operating System Requirements

  • Windows: 11 and 10 Details
  • Mac: macOS 10.15 to 14.0+
  • iOS: 12.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. Details.
  • ChromebookDetails

These operating system requirements are similar to, or less stringent than, Adobe Connect.


I've heard that LockDown Browser alters my computer's registry and essentially "rewrites" my Operating System or makes it difficult to clear out of my registry later when the LockDown Browser is no longer needed. Is this true? 

The registry on a personal computer is a central database where Windows stores configuration settings. Programs like Adobe Connect, Microsoft Office, browsers like Chrome, Brave, or Edge, and really any locally installed application may also use the registry to store information and settings. Therefore, any application or program that installs itself on your computer "alters" the registry. It is one of the main reasons that the registry exists and LockDown Browser is not unique in utilizing it. While LockDown Browser does modify certain Windows options in order to restrict a student's access to other programs, its registry footprint is focused and limited.


When applications are removed, the uninstallation utility will remove and/or reset registry items as it cleans up configuration settings and removes references to installation files. LockDown Browser does not behave differently from other applications in this regard.


What are the results of the Kolbe Academy LockDown trial?

The LockDown trial began on March 15 and will run through at least April 15.  We have so far neither observed nor encountered any major problems for students.

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