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Home > Technology > Using ConnectWise ScreenConnect
Using ConnectWise ScreenConnect
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When troubleshooting a technical problem, our staff may ask you to "share your screen" in order to see the problem directly. ConnectWise's ScreenConnect is an app that allows one person to view and control another person's computer (but only when access is explicitly granted).


Quitting the app ends the session and your computer will no longer be accessible to Kolbe technical staff.


Downloading the ScreenConnect App

In order to establish a connection, go to and enter the code given by the technical support specialist. The client app will be downloaded.


On Windows, running the app is sufficient to start a screen sharing session.


However, on macOS computers there are a few more steps involved as certain security permissions must also be enabled.


Configuring Security on macOS

The official ConnectWise documentation details the additional steps to allow our tech agents to see and control your machine. Please follow the process in the Join a session from a Mac article.


Ultimately, it describes 1) granting screen sharing access to the app so that the tech agent can see the screen and 2) granting accessibility so that the tech agent can control the computer during the session.

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