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Home > Academics and Advising > Course Selection Support > Recommended Science Sequence for Middle and High School
Recommended Science Sequence for Middle and High School
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Middle School:  

Science Course  

Typical Grade Level  

Companion Math Course   

Life Science  

6th (or 7th)

Math 6 (or Math 7 with Pre-Algebra)  

Earth Science   

7th (or 8th)

Math 7 with Pre-Algebra (or Math 8: Pre-Algebra)  

General Science *  


Math 8: Pre-Algebra  

Please note: General science is intended to help students bridge the gap between middle and high school science. A student who has not completed pre-algebra or who lacks science fundamentals like significant figures, unit conversions, etc. may benefit from taking general science before IPC.  Students who have completed pre-algebra and who have a strong science background may move from Earth science to IPC and omit general science.  


High School:  

Science Course  

Typical Grade Level  

Companion Math Course   

Intro to Physics and Chemistry  


Algebra 1  

Core or Honors Biology  



Core or Honors Chemistry  


Algebra 2  



Algebra 2 (prerequisite)  

AP Biology and AP Chemistry*  



*We strongly encourage students to take physics before taking an AP science class. The core or honors biology>chemistry>physics sequence gives students a well-rounded science education in keeping with our classical/liberal arts identity.   

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