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Home > Technology > Schoology > Online Student Schoology Course Overview
Online Student Schoology Course Overview
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Students enrolled in online courses at Kolbe Academy will use Schoology regularly to access course homework assignments, quizzes, tests, previous class recordings, and other materials/activities.

Important Note to Self-Paced Students

If you are taking self-paced courses at Kolbe Academy, be sure to view the Self-Paced Schoology Course Overview sections.  While online and self-paced Schoology courses may look similar at a glance, there are notable differences between how content and materials are presented.


If you are taking a blend of both online and self-paced courses, read both the Online Students sections and the Self-Paced Students sections.


Locating Courses

Once you are logged in at, you can find your course(s) by clicking “Courses” on the main menu at the top of the Schoology page.  A drop-down list of your courses will appear; open your course of interest by clicking on it from the list.



Note:  The course list drop-down may have a scrollbar if the student is enrolled in several courses.


If  you want to view your courses on a full page in Schoology (instead of a drop-down list), click the See All button at the bottom of the list.  To open a course from this page, select the section name beneath the the course’s title.



Note:  If you don’t see some of your online or self-paced courses in the My Courses section, submit a tech support ticket or email [email protected].  


Online Course Homepage

When opened, online courses in Schoology will default to one of two pagesthe Materials page, or the Updates page, depending on how the teacher has their course set up, as shown in the two images below.


The Materials page is where you will find coursework assigned by your teacher, previous class recordings, and other materials (i.e. discussion boards, links to external sites, downloadable files, etc.).



Note: Online teachers may have different folders listed than what is shown in the above image.


The Updates page is where you will find updates posted by your teacher.



Your teacher’s contact details and other course information can be found to the left side of the course’s Schoology page under the Information section.



Materials Overview

The Materials page (which can be accessed via the menu on the right side of the course’s page) is comprised of folders that organize your assigned course work (and other materials) provided by your teacher throughout the school year.  The way the Materials page is set up will vary from course to course, as each online teacher may organize content as they see fit.


You can click the drop-down arrow next to a folder to expand it and see it’s contents on the same page. You can also expand sub-folders in the same way.



To view additional information about materials within a folder, click the folder’s title (i.e “Semester 1”) to open its contents in a new page.  This will allow you to preview additional information for materials, including instructions for each assignment (though you may have to open an assignment fully to see the entirety of its instructions).


Below are different types of materials you may find throughout online courses:



Course Gradebook

To view your current semester grade, categorized grades, and individual grades in one place, visit the course’s gradebook by clicking the Grades tab to the left side of the course’s page. This will bring up a drop-down list that can be expanded down from the overall school year down to each individual assignment within categories assigned by the teacher.



Note: Kolbe Academy publishes grades for Semester 1 and Semester 2 on transcripts.  An “overall” grade that averages the two semesters is not published on the official transcripts.

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