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Course Format Options
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Kolbe Academy offers various course formats which provide our families even more flexibility in choosing a curriculum that will best suit the needs of their family and their students. Whether your student is enrolled full-time or selecting individual courses to supplement an existing course plan, we can offer them our robust curriculum through a variety of delivery methods. No matter how they learn, we’re here to customize their education to suit their needs. To see which formats are available for each course, please see our Course Catalog. The available formats are listed beneath the course information.


Traditional Homeschool

Kolbe Academy offers a full curriculum for grades pre-K through 12. For each student, the parent determines how to best utilize our course plans and materials, evaluates student work, and assigns recommended grades. A portfolio of student work, along with the grade submission form, is then submitted to the Academic Services Department for review for students in grades K-12.  


The parents can also subscribe to an optional Grading Service for an additional fee if they want extra support from Kolbe Academy to evaluate their student’s work. This service is available to all students enrolled full-time at Kolbe Academy. Parents utilizing this service will still need to submit the student’s work samples and a grade submission form with recommended grades listed.  

Please also see our Course Plan Samples.


Digital Homeschool

More information coming soon!



Asynchronous Online

In our Asynchronous Online courses, we blend online course convenience with the flexibility to tailor workload and pacing to your student’s particular learning style and schedule. Our new courses are designed to instruct and guide students in the mastery of content through a regular set of activities each week. In keeping with our Ignatian methodology, we provide students with practice work, the opportunity for reflection and discussion, and recorded content, with the guidance of a teacher who accompanies students throughout the completion of the course. 

Please see our Asynchronous Online FAQ for more information.


Online Courses

Kolbe Academy offers many of our courses in grades pre-K-12 as online courses. Students learn in a virtual classroom among peers with a live instructor who facilitates discussion, lectures, grades the coursework, and issues final grades. These instructors also host office hours and are available by email correspondence. The teacher assigns the grade for the course, which we will add to the student's transcript.


Unlike Homeschool courses or Self-Paced/Plus courses, where the parent is the primary instructor. In Kolbe’s Online courses, the course instructor reports final course grades to Kolbe Academy each term instead of the parent. Students in grades 3-5 enrolled in at least one Online course or lab, or any enrolled student in grades 6-12, have the additional benefit of participating in the clubs and activities offered as part of Kolbe Academy’s online school environment. Please see the Parent and Student Handbook for specific policies and requirements for Kolbe Academy’s Online courses. 

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