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Home > Academics and Advising > Career Guidance & Discernment > Occupational and Technical Career Programs
Occupational and Technical Career Programs
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Career and technical education (CTE) is a term applied to schools, institutions, and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied science, modern technologies, and career preparation. CTE programs prepare students to be career-ready by focusing on three areas: academic skills, employability skills, and technical, career-specific skills.


Department of Education

Information on accredited programs can be found at the US Department of Education’s website. Use the search function for Regional and National Institutional Accrediting Agencies.  


Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)

Visit the ACTE website here.

Today’s cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant career and technical education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. Learn more with our Basic Facts, Policy and Advocacy Publications and State Fact Sheets.

The ACTE STEM Parent link offers a unique experience for parents to introduce their high school students to the work world through a mentoring program.


Catholic Trade Schools

Exciting developments are happening with the formation of Catholic trade schools that combine technical education with spiritual formation and liberal arts studies. Although Kolbe does not endorse any of these schools, we know some of our families may be interested to learn more about them. We encourage you to explore their websites for more information.


Harmel Academy

Harmel Academy is a post-secondary institution offering an integrated curriculum to develop technical experts in a skilled trade along with formation in the Catholic faith. Located on the campus of Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this is a residential trade school.

At Harmel, integration is the name of the game. Far from offering simply “a program,” Harmel offers a path to form the whole person: mind, body, and soul. Our community and curriculum are designed as an integrated whole.

Kateri College of the Liberal and Practical Arts


Located in Gallup, New Mexico, this college plans to open in Fall 2024.

We are founding an independent, Catholic college in Gallup, New Mexico, that offers a new approach to higher education. Kateri College will unite the strengths of a liberal arts education with a vocational trade in order to graduate men and women who know their mission in life, who are trained to accomplish it, and who are capable of contributing to their local community and to the nation and Church at large. Join us in prayer and financial support to help us open our doors to the first class in Fall 2024.


The College of St. Joseph the Worker


Located in Steubenville, Ohio, this college is still pursuing state approval. Sign up at their website to get email updates.

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