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Home > Academics and Advising > High School Planning > High School Graduation Application Process
High School Graduation Application Process
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This article outlines the steps seniors complete in order to officially graduate from Kolbe Academy. Please note, graduating from Kolbe Academy is a separate process from participating in the commencement ceremony. Read more about Kolbe's commencement events.


Step One: Transcript Review & Approval

Once you have submitted your student's grade portfolio with all grades reported for registered courses and any official transcripts for dual enrollment courses, and our staff has processed their portfolio, you will receive an unofficial transcript to review. You should carefully review the transcript and give your final approval. If the transcript is complete with all courses and credits listed and all graduation requirements met, you can then apply for graduation (see Step Two). Please note, grade portfolio processing takes 3-4 weeks from the time of submission. 

If the student is taking all online classes and will not submit a grade portfolio, email [email protected] to request a transcript to review. Please note that a student must be enrolled full-time (flex, standard or online) in order to graduate from Kolbe Academy.  


Step Two: Apply for Graduation

To officially graduate from Kolbe Academy with a high school diploma and transcript, please use the Graduation Application Form. This form is used to issue a diploma and finalize the student’s transcript by placing the graduation date on it.

When colleges, employers, and other institutions ask for your student’s “Final Transcript”, they are referring to the official transcript that includes all credits earned in high school and a graduation date, which they use to verify that the student earned a high school diploma. As Kolbe students do not all complete their coursework on the same day, parents can select the graduation date, which should be a date after all coursework has been completed. Many families like to choose the Kolbe Commencement Ceremony date, but this is optional.

You can expect to receive your student's diploma, diploma cover, a tassel, and a complimentary copy of their final official transcript for your records approximately three weeks after their graduation application has been processed. These items will be sent to you by mail. Please do not make a diploma request via Parchment unless you would like an additional copy of your student’s diploma.


Step Three: Order Additional Final Transcripts

Immediately after you have submitted your student’s Graduation Application and all other paperwork is in order, you can place a request for the final transcript to be sent to colleges and/or other institutions via Parchment. All final transcript requests needed for colleges and other organizations are processed through Parchment.  




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